Wednesday, February 18, 2009

495 Dean Street update

Today I went to the Department of Records to see if a 1940s tax photo is on file for No 495. It is and I've placed an order for a copy to arrive in 4-6 weeks. But, after looking at the blurry microfilm, I do not believe the wood cladding is original. To me, the facade appeared exactly the same-- same window covering shapes, etc., aside from the fact that it appeared to be brick covered. The photo will confirm. But nonetheless, I still feel like the footprint is significant. The assistants at the Dept of Records were somewhat rude so I am planning on just using Pratt Library's sanborn map to investigate this further. If I can remember correctly from today the 1929 Sanborn map that I looked at indicated that there was a weird interruption of the common yard between the Pacific Street and Dean Street properties from 6th Avenue. See here:

I suppose the DoF would be another option to investigate, in case someone with more notoriety lived there in the past that would bolster the building's significance.

However, notoriety is subjective. I think it would be equally significant to study a building, the history of its past and present owners and map out all the connections and networks built around that single building and those particular occupants-- where they worked, their own personal milestones, where they went to school, where they came from. It would be too daunting a task though.

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